Friday, June 22, 2018

When my younger daughter created the above art, which she calls the "Ramayana Cards" series I was inspired to pen the below. Read on......

Out of the ground she came,
A 'child of the soil' fame,
Ideal daughter to a king,
Picked an excellent suitor, from a ring.

'Twas fun with him for years,
Until banishment with her dears,
Forest life was long and hard,
No distress, all a lark. 

Then events her bro-in-law spun,
Caused a brother to seek revenge,
A learned man, otherly wise,
Turned a rakshasa with premise!

Against her will & by force,
Abducted, taken to a faraway shore,
A captive, hunted by loved ones, 
Was sullied but not yet broken.

Purushottam, for the rescue gathered,
A ragtag band of devoted followers,
Much, much before Helen of Troy,
An army had launched for Sita Mai!

A war was waged and roundly won,
Seemingly whole, Mai came home,
Summarily her chastity was questioned,
A trial by fire cruelly summoned.

Here's how the story should've turned,
A different route, need to have taken,
Instead of quiet and uncontested submission,
Societal boors should've rebelled against.

Tossed her mysteriously demure nature,
Finally rethought her trial by feuer?
Been long, since being carried away
Stepped upto claim, what's rightfully hers.

This card represents the tough one,
Someone that wont take it lying down,
She's the Mai the world needs now,
Sita redrawn, repainted and reborn!

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Celebrating Individual Strengths Collectively is Diversity

i was asked to contribute an article for a neighborhood magazine on what diversity means to me. Here's what I wrote :

At the peril of falling prey to clichés, let me open by saying I claim no expertise to what it means to be a diverse individual, but will attempt to put forth what it means to me.
We were one of the first to move into the Ryland built set of homes. From the time our foundation was laid to the time we moved in, we have witnessed wonderful neighbors move in around us. We have enjoyed with them bonfires, wine parties, weekend evening revelries and the odd graduation party. Every instance is a learning when you have the opportunity to interact with a diverse set of people. Every interaction is a story and anecdote you store away for a later recall.
The more one travels, the more one realizes that people truly are the same everywhere, regardless of the language one speaks, follows a faith, has a skin tone/color and preference of sexual orientation. At the bottom of everything are some basic needs that have to be fulfilled universally. Hunger and thirst are the same, the need to provide for loved ones is the same, the sense of right and wrong is the same. If we could perhaps uncouple all the rest of the many man made complications down to some of these basic things, one would think it would be easy to get along, no?
The word diversity is so commonly used these days, our collective consciousness seems to have become desensitized to what perhaps it should truly mean. Diversity is not limited to color, or gender or sexual orientation. Diversity is also being able to co-exist with different thoughts and agree to disagree. It means providing the best chance for each one of us to excel in what we do the best. Being our best at what we do allows in us an ability to see the best in others. Diversity has no place for one-upmanship, just healthy acknowledgement of every strength that should be collectively celebrated.
 In that spirit our experience after we have moved into Cobblestone has been that which we would like to keep very simple. Respect every individual for their intellect, allow room for sharing which can never be a one-way street and embrace differences as an addendum to what we were hitherto unaware of. We believe this is what keeps our neighborhood bubbling, effervescent and exciting. More power to such microcosms, that hopefully leads to a larger sage macrocosm!


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Eggs avacado, sunny side up
Like words in a song,
Be pop, buppity, de pop,
Toast on marmalade,
Sprigs of green,
A meal, fodder, fullment supreme,
Fill up, eat up, tank up and store,
If breakfast be the meal of the day
Embrace it with the Force,
May they fuel you, inspire you,
Eggs avacado, sprigs of green,
Toast on marmlade, & a day full of wins